Vocabulary and Phrases for Weather in French
Weather in French can be translated as la météo or le temps To ask about the weather you can ask the following questions…. Informal Il fait quel temps? => What is the weather like? Il fait quelle température? => What is the temperature? Formal Quel temps fait-il? Quelle température fait-il? How to say the weather in French? […]
Different Types of Transports in French
What are the means of transport in French? With which preposition to use with them? Should it be à or en ? Learn the different types of transports in French, the means of transportation and also the prepositions to use with them. By the end, you will be very familiar with the vocabulary of transports and will be able to use words […]
French Conversation with Taxi Driver
“Bonjour, êtes-vous disponible?” (“Hello, are you available?) “Pouvez-vous m’aider avec les bagages, s’il vous plaît?” (“Can you help me with the luggage please?”) “Acceptez-vous les cartes de crédit?” (“Do you take credit cards?”) “Combien ça va coûter à peu près?” (“Around how much will it cost?”) “Je voudrais aller à…” (“I’d like to go to…”) “Au centre-ville, s’il vous plaît” (“To the city center, please”) “À la gare, s’il vous […]
How to Start Conversations in French
French Conversation Starters: To Someone You’ve Just Met “J’aime votre chapeau/sac à dos/manteau, puis-je vous demander où vous l’avez acheté(e) ?” (“I like your hat/backpack/coat, may I ask where you bought it?”) Complimenting someone’s taste is a foolproof way to start a conversation and quickly get the other person chatting to you like an old […]
Useful French Idioms
Idioms exist in every language. They are expressions where the actual meaning of the saying is different from its literal meaning. For example, when you hear, “It’s raining cats and dogs!” you know that animals aren’t actually falling from the sky. Or when somebody tells you to “break a leg,” you know it really means […]
French Phrases for Travelers
Bonjour! (Good morning, hello) Bienvenue. (Welcome.) Madame / Monsieur / Mademoiselle (Mrs. /Mr. /Miss) Pardon, excusez-moi. (Pardon, excuse me.) Parlez-vous anglais? (Do you speak English ?) Je ne parle pas français. (I do not speak French.) À tout à l’heure! (See you later !) Merci / Merci beaucoup. (Thank you/Thank you very much.) Au revoir! (Goodbye !) De rien. (You’re welcome.) Useful French Phrases for […]
French Lettre De Motivation
When you apply for a job in France you’ll not only need to send a French CV – in the European style which can be quite different from other countries, you’ll also need to submit a “letter de motivation” which is a resume letter or covering letter. A letter of motivation is an essential component […]
How to Write A Formal Email in French
How To Write A Formal Email In French 1. Use the proper greeting Being polite is important. If you don’t know the name nor the gender of the recipient (le destinataire), use: Madame, Monsieur, Mesdames, Messieurs, If you know the gender but not the name, then only Madame or Monsieur should be used. Even if you know […]