DELF or the DALF?
It’s worth noting, first of all, that the DELF, or Diplôme d’études en langue française (French Studies Diploma) covers four different levels (A1, A2, B1 and B2). More advanced students (at C1 and C2 level) can opt to take the DALF, or Diplôme approfondi de langue française (Advanced French Studies Diploma). This is a genuine qualification which is valid for life, not a test like the Test de Connaissance du Français (French Knowledge Test) or TCF.
Level A1 (“introductory” or “discovery”) covers introducing oneself and asking and answering basic questions, and also assumes an understanding of common expressions. Learners who have reached level A2 (“intermediate” or “routine”) should be capable of understanding and engaging in discussion on everyday topics (shopping, asking for information, etc.). Level B1, known as the “threshold level”, assesses candidates’ abilities to recount events in the past, express their opinion or handle an everyday problem (explaining a late arrival, persuading someone, etc.).
DALF C1 is aimed at advanced users who are capable of discussing “complex topics” and who can deal with “long and demanding texts”.
You must obtain a mark of at least 50 out of 100 points to pass the DELF – this is known as the “pass mark” (“seuil de réussite”). Note, however, that if you score less than 5 out of 25 in any one of the four skill sections, you will not pass!
The DELF examination aims to assess four skills: oral comprehension (listening), written comprehension (reading), oral expression (speaking) and written expression (writing). Each skill is marked out of 25 points, giving a total of 100 points. How long do the exams last? That depends on the level, of course, but by way of example, at level B1 the written tests last for a total of 1 hour and 55 minutes, and there is an individual oral test lasting 15 minutes. In terms of marks, a total score of 75/100 is considered to be a good result.
Is the DELF | DALF difficult?
The teachers at French Academy will teach you the right approach to ensure success in your DELF / DALF examinations. Drafting an introduction, identifying an issue, developing a plan and using logical connectors appropriately are all skills that need to be learned!
You will do regular exercises that are specific to the DELF / DALF so that you can practice effectively, and you will be given all of the information you need to ensure that you are ready when the time comes.
Intensive preparation in the form of regular “mock” examinations helps students to monitor their progress in the four skills of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). So joining French Academy is the perfect way to prepare for DELF | DALF exams!
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