French Business Expressions
- Le métier (occupation)
- Le boulot (work – casual)
- Le travail (work)
- L’emploi (employment)
- Le poste (post, position)
- La carrière (career)
- La vocation (vocation)
- L’opportunité d’emploi (job opportunity)
- Le stage en enterprise (internship)
- Le taf (work – slang)
If you want to talk about working as an action, on the other hand, French offers up a nice selection:
- Bosser (to work – casual)
- Travailler (to work)
- Gérer (to manage)
- Bosser comme un âne (to work like a dog – don’t say this one to your boss!)
- Travailler dur (to work hard)
- Bien travailler (to work well)
Business & Other Fields
- agent/agente de change (stockbroker)
- agent/agente immobilier (real estate agent)
- architecte (architect)
- avocat/avocate (lawyer)
- caissier/caissière (cashier)
- diplomate (diplomat)
- directeur/directrice (company director)
- entrepreneur/entrepreneure/entrepreneuse (entrepreneur – both feminine forms are acceptable in French)
- expert-comptable/experte-comptable (CPA)
- fonctionnaire (civil servant)
- gérant/gérante (manager)
- homme d’affaires/femme d’affaires (businessman/businesswoman)
- ingénieur/ingénieure (engineer)
- mécanicien/mécanicienne (mechanic)
- ouvrier/ouvrière (laborer)
- plombier/plombière (plumber)
- politicien/politicienne (politician)
- pompier/pompière (firefighter)
- physicien/physicienne (physicist)
- travailleur/travailleuse (worker)
You’ve Got Your Work Cut Out for You
- un contrat (contract)
- un dossier (file)
- mettre à jour (to update)
- une réunion (meeting)
- une tâche (a task)
- un voyage d’affaires (business trip)
Moving On
- démissionner (to quit/resign)
- embaucher (to hire)
- l’entretien (interview)
- le chômage (unemployment)
- vous êtes viré (you’re fired)
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