French Grammar n Conversation Course
1 Articles
2 Basic gender endings: Masculin and féminin
3 More French nouns and their gender
4 Numbers
5 Vocabulary: Thoughts, feelings, communicating, home, travel, science, leisure, and technology
6 Building sentences
7 Asking questions
8 Exclamations and commands
9 Independent clauses and subordinate clauses
10 The present tense of -er verbs
11 The present of -ir and -re verbs
12 Être, avoir, and other irregular verbs
13 The immediate future, the immediate past, and the causative form
14 Pronominal verbs
15 The passé composé
16 The imparfait and the plus-que-parfait
17 The simple future and the past future
18 The present conditional and the past conditional
19 Could, should, would
20 The present subjunctive and the past subjunctive
21 Prepositions
22 The infinitive mood
23 The imperative mood
24 The present participle and gerund
25 The simple past, the passive voice, and indirect speech
26 Pronouns
27 Relative pronouns
28 Adjectives
29 Adverbs
30 Written French: Making transitions and written Correspondence
31 Verb transfers and confusing verbs
32 Whatever, whenever, wherever: French oddities and fun with prepositions
33 French in conversation: Meeting people
34 French in conversation
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